  • front of house
    the parts of a theatre in front of the proscenium arch 剧场公众区
  • in front
    in a position just ahead of or further forward than someone or something else 前面的;在靠前的位置 on the part or side that normally first presents itself to view 在前部,在前面,在正面
  • in front of
    in a position just ahead or at the front part of someone or something else 在…前面 in the presence of 在…面前
  • out front
    (chiefly N. Amer.)at or to the front; in front (主北美)在前面;在前方,在外面;在门外
  • front and center
    In the most prominent position. 居于最突出位置
  • Noun
    1. the immediate proximity of someone or something;
    "she blushed in his presence""he sensed the presence of danger""he was well behaved in front of company"
    2. the side that is forward or prominent
    3. the side that is seen or that goes first
    4. a sphere of activity involving effort;
    "the Japanese were active last week on the diplomatic front""they advertise on many different fronts"
    5. the line along which opposing armies face each other
    6. a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals;
    "he was a charter member of the movement""politicians have to respect a mass movement""he led the national liberation front"
    7. (meteorology) the atmospheric phenomenon created at the boundary between two different air masses
    8. a person used as a cover for some questionable activity
    9. the outward appearance of a person;
    "he put up a bold front"
    10. the part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer;
    "he walked to the front of the stage"
  • Verb
    1. be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to;
    "The house looks north""My backyard look onto the pond""The building faces the park"
    2. confront bodily;
    "breast the storm"
  • Adjective
    1. relating to or located in the front;
    "the front lines""the front porch"
    2. located anteriorly
  • 体育: 前方;前部;前面;正面;从前面阻截;
    大气科学: 锋[线];锋面与地面的交线。;
    昆虫学: 额;
    煤炭: 工作线;具备正常作业条件的台阶全长。;
    航海科技: 锋;