  • 以下这些形容词均有"积极的,活跃的" 的意思
    active :指有活动能力,强调与消极或休止相反的积极活动状态。
    energetic :指精力充沛、奋力从事某事业。
    vigorous :指不仅表现积极、有生气,而且固有精力和活力十分旺盛。
    brisk :指动作敏捷、充满活力、轻快活泼地从事某项工作或活动。
    lively :侧重指轻快,机智,有生气。
  • Noun
    1. chemical agent capable of activity
    2. the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb;
    "`The boy threw the ball' uses the active voice"
    3. a person devoted to the active life
  • Adjective
    1. tending to become more severe or wider in scope;
    "active tuberculosis"
    2. engaged in or ready for military or naval operations;
    "on active duty""the platoon is combat-ready""review the fighting forces"
    3. disposed to take action or effectuate change;
    "a director who takes an active interest in corporate operations""an active antagonism""he was active in drawing attention to their grievances"
    4. taking part in an activity;
    "an active member of the club""he was politically active""the participating organizations"
    5. characterized by energetic activity;
    "an active toddler""active as a gazelle""an active man is a man of action"
    6. exerting influence or producing an effect;
    "an active ingredient"
    7. full of activity or engaged in continuous activity;
    "an active seaport""an active bond market""an active account"
    8. in operation;
    "keep hope alive""the tradition was still alive""an active tradition"
    9. of the sun; characterized by a high level activity in sunspots and flares and radio emissions
    10. expressing that the subject of the sentence has the semantic function of actor: "Hemingway favors active constructions"
    11. expressing action rather than a state of being; used of verbs (e.g. `to run') and participial adjectives (e.g. `running' in `running water')
    12. (of e.g. volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt;
    "active volcanos"
    13. producing activity or change
    14. engaged in full-time work;
    "active duty""though past retirement age he is still active in his profession"
    15. being in physical motion;
    "active fish in the aquarium"
    16. characterized by energetic bodily activity;
    "tennis is an active sport""a very physical dance performance"
  • 医学: 有效的,活性的,非被动的,积极的,非期待的;
    法律: 现行;积极性;
    电力: 有源电路;[electric] circuit;